Anageer is an Action Adventure Novel written by Amjad Javed about the revenge based story of a brave young man from Rohi Cholistan Desert against the corrupt feudal lord of his village
Galey Pari Tabdeli is a Humorous and Romantic Urdu Novel written by Humayun Ayub about three young girls their parents was worried about their careless behavior towards life
Woh Aik Din is a Romantic Urdu Novel written by Zahra Zainab about a love story of a young boy who was pure in his feelings for his class fellow but later realized that he got swindled by her
Darwaze Ki Oat is a Short Urdu Story written by Aqeel Sherazi about the Social issue of how girls are humiliating and mentally tortured by the families of boys during their marriage procedure
Akhir Fateh Kon is a Short Urdu Story written by Mahnoor Rasheed Ahmad about the Social issue of increasing rate of terrorism and sectarianism in our society