Anageer is an Action Adventure Novel written by Amjad Javed about the revenge based story of a brave young man from Rohi Cholistan Desert against the corrupt feudal lord of his village
Marg e Nagahan is an Urdu translation of famous crime thriller novel The Sucker Punch originally written by James Hadley Chase and translated in Urdu by your favourite writer Ahmad Nauman Sheikh
Shikast Khurda is a crime story which is an Urdu translation of the famous roller coaster crime thriller novel Just another Sucker originally written by James Hadley Chase and translated in Urdu by Ahmad Nauman Sheikh
Baskervilles Ka Aatishi Kuta is the Urdu translation of the famous crime thriller detective novel of Sherlock Holmes The Hound of Baskervilles originally written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and translated in Urdu by Rukhsana Nazli